The Way of the Runner
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The original Way of the Runner retreat…

Taking place in the heart of Dartmoor, a vast moorland in the south-west of England where wild ponies roam the craggy tors and valleys, the weekend retreat is a chance to switch off, to improve your running, get off the roads and get out into the wild ruggedness of nature.



Our basecamp for the retreat is Blackslade Manor, a 400-year-old manor house with views across Dartmoor and the Widecombe Valley. Blackslade has direct access to the moor, some of which belongs to the property.  Downstairs there is plenty of room to relax and recover after the runs, with cosy sitting rooms, open fires and a sun room overlooking the moor. Upstairs are seven comfortable bedrooms, four doubles (two with en suite), and three twins, as well as two family bathrooms. In fact, if you don’t want to run, but just want to join us in the wilds of Dartmoor, chat about running by the fire and enjoy wonderful home-cooked food, that’s fine too.


Meet the team…


Adharanand Finn

The retreat is being lead by Adharanand Finn, author of three critically acclaimed books, Running with the Kenyans, The Way of the Runner and The Rise of the Ultra Runners. This is a chance for you to spend the weekend with him and grill him on all he has learnt during his research, which has taken him from Kenya to Japan and into the world of ultra running.

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Joe Kelly

Adharanand will be joined on the camp by movement maestro Joe Kelly who features in Adharanand’s books and has helped him achieve around 20 personal best times since the pair started working together a few years ago. Joe uses playful games, as well as techniques such as Anatomy in Motion, to help you run more fluidly and naturally - and with less chance of injury.


Ceri Rees

Our guide on the moor will be former international runner and qualified guide Ceri Rees. Ceri holds a number of impressive records on Dartmoor crossings and in local trail races, and he knows the moorland terrain better than anyone.




  • Easy late-afternoon run across the moor

  • Welcome talk from Adharanand on what we can learn from the approach of the Kenyan and Japanese runners

Saturday and sunday:

  • Three wild runs (of varying lengths and speeds) including one night run

  • Sessions with Joe to improve your movement, using techniques including Anatomy in Motion and BeActivated

  • Time to relax, read, chat, drink tea/coffee (option to book a massage)

  • Uphill and downhill running technique session

  • Stories from Adharanand’s research trips

  • Sunday evening walk to the local Rugglestone Inn for food and drinks


  • Early morning dawn run


The cost of the camp includes:

• Three nights accommodation (Fri, Sat and Sun)

• All food, home-cooked by our wonderful chef Charlotte Etridge (who is also our massage therapist)

• Up to five guided runs (or fewer if you want!) of varying lengths

• Talks by Adharanand, as well as plenty of chances to ask questions

• Core fitness sessions and the option of a one-to-one consultation with Joe to improve your movement and help prevent injuries.

The cost doesn't include:

• Transport to and from the camp

• Optional sports massage - a massage therapist will be on site and can be booked to rejuvenate tired legs

• A pub supper on Sunday night at the local, award-winning Rugglestone Inn.


Sharing a twin room: £520 per person

Double room for 1 person: £620 (£660 with en suite)

Couple sharing a double room: £490 per person (£520 pp with en suite)

(Space is limited and rooms will be allocated on a first come, first served basis)

For our cancellation policy please see our terms and conditions


For the shorter runs, as a minimum level you should be able to run 5km (a parkrun) without having to stop. To join the Sunday long run it is recommended you can run 10km without stopping - speed is not important


As well as running gear for all weathers, including gloves and a running jacket - it can be cold and wet on the moor even in May - you will need trail running shoes (it is rarely dry enough for road shoes)


Absolute highlight was the pre-dawn climb up a trail of diamonds from frost glistening in headtorches, an epic view across the moors as the sky turned pinks and oranges, and then watching from Rippon Tor as the first rays of the sun came over the horizon. Worth the cold, early start - life affirming and I’m hanging onto the memory.
— Jennifer Hodson

